
Important Information

Our Company has recently received reports from our customers concerning fraudulent impersonation of our staff or representatives, demanding repayment of loan. Please click here to know the details.



Sustainability Sustainability

Dedicated to offering a helping hand for mutual prosperity

Promise has been dedicated our professional service to helping Hong Kong people with their financial needs since 1992. Aside from our daily business, we also actively work with other communities in Hong Kong through various activities planning to achieve sustainability under ESG framework. We are dedicated to promoting environmental protection, social responsibility and governance with our commitment in making a positive impact for a better future.


Corporate Awards

Promise contributes to our society without reserve to fulfil our social responsibility. The numerous corporate charity awards are not only an asserting recognition to our hard work, but also a motivation for us to continue our efforts for a better Hong Kong.

Caring Company

The "Caring Company Scheme" encourages enterprises to help tackle social problems while pursuing corporate competitiveness in their business operations. Every year, the scheme awards the enterprises that perform social caring acts and spirits. Promise is honoured to have received the award for over 15 consecutive years. We will keep innovating new and better ways to give back and share our success with the community in the future.

Caring Company

Family-Friendly Employer

Promise treasures the balance of the working and family roles of our employees, and we are dedicated to creating a family-friendly working environment for our employees. We also provide special holidays such as marriage leave, compassionate leave, anniversary leave, etc. to meet our employees' various family needs. We are incredibly honoured to have received the Family-Friendly Employers Award, and will continue to follow our leading human management principle – employees first.

Family-Friendly Employer